The Happiness of Being Frugal

In our many articles on the happiness of being frugal, I have often asked: If you feel that being frugal is the key to happiness, why aren’t you happy. Of course it isn’t that you’re feeling less frugal; it’s that you don’t feel the impact of having more money and spending it on an impulse basis. I have a feeling that if you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that you’re going to use credit cards extensively.

In our many articles on the happiness of being frugal, I have often asked: If you feel that being frugal is the key to happiness, why aren’t you happy? Why are you struggling to be happy with just the feeling of frugality? Of course it isn’t that you’re feeling less frugal; it’s that you don’t feel the impact of having more money and spending it on an impulse basis.

In today’s world, it’s virtually impossible to be frugal in all areas of life. It’s not only impossible, it’s almost impossible to keep from being frugal. You need money to pay the bills and make ends meet.

No matter how you slice it, there’s no getting around the fact that the majority of people live very hard lives that are based on money. So much so that our economy suffers from two things: desperation and recklessness.

Like I said, the unemployment rates are astronomical. You don’t need to look far or even consider that you’re living in a crisis zone. You are never “on top” of your credit card balance.

If you are a frugal person, it would behoove you to take a look at what your spending habits are. I have a feeling that if you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that you’re going to use credit cards extensively.

Financial pressures have become a matter of life and death for so many Americans. Most people are living paycheck to paycheck and even those who have jobs know that they may have to work extra hours, or work extra days, just to get by. For some, this is a daily struggle.

The good news is that it’s possible to save money and not have to work extra hours to do it. Frugality works. You just have to think like a frugal person and be conscious of where your money is going. As a frugal person, you’ll quickly see that money can be saved to avoid unnecessary expenses.

The second step to frugality is to learn about finances. It’s one thing to be able to understand how a credit card works. It’s another thing to be able to change the behavior that you have gotten accustomed to.

My brother was a business owner for many years and he had to go through a lot of training in order to create a frugal lifestyle. It took a lot of time and money for him to establish and maintain a frugal lifestyle. And his willingness to spend less than what he was making was the first step in his quest to be a happy frugal man.

Now that you know how to implement a frugal lifestyle, the next step is to set up your own saving plan and begin to live the joyous frugal lifestyles that you’ve dreamed of. Take the next step and start to add some accountability to your frugal lifestyle by choosing a frugal friend to help you become a frugal man.

Your friend is going to help you set up your frugal mindset. He’s going to give you the tools to be able to plan and set up the right habits that will help you save and live frugally.

The happy frugal man who lives frugally will go a long way toward creating a new life that will be filled with joy and happiness. Living frugally is also one of the ways to become a happier person. Why not give it a try today?

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